Thursday, May 2, 2013

What I was Thinking - When I Met Nick

   I was surprised I had a cousin I had never met before, but I was not too worried about it. Nick was very nice and right away we clicked with that cousin connection. He was not too shabby of a person to be related to either because he obviously had enough money to live in West Egg. I think our mutual friendship with Gatsby is what really brought us together. Perhaps it was fate, but regardless, we were both entangled with the mysterious Gatsby. I had heard some rumors about how Gatsby made his money so I couldn’t help but to wonder if Nick was in the same business, but I could tell he had a good head on his shoulders. Nick seemed like a loyal man and very humble. I would try to talk him into having a fling with Jordyn, but he would always shrug it off and ask me questions or change the subject. He and Jordyn would make a lovely couple though since Jordyn wanted a proper man to take control of her life. Although Nick may not have admitted it, I could tell he admired Jordyn’s independent qualities. He was so interested in the fact that she played golf and was so stubborn but remained so ladylike. Nick and I would have several conversations and I even opened up to him about my marriage and what I was feeling when my daughter was born. I am so thankful that Nick came into my life because not only is he a wonderful cousin, but also helped me reunite with Gatsby.

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